
Sentence finder: my first Django project

During the last few months, I have been captivated by Django and its rich set of features. I have been learning a few different technologies recently, including Django and Flask. I have been using Web2py for the last 3 years, and while I still use it for several projects and consider it a very stable and mature framework, I wanted to try out other frameworks to do web stuff in Python.

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A little weekend project: mudder, a GUI around Lyntin

Sometimes I am getting bored when I am having a long time coding in the same project. Usually I just code something else, or watch an episode of a TV show, or something totally unrelated to code at all. Who knows? this time, I discovered a mud (multi user domain) client written entirely in Python.

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My new project: MusicDL, a simple music downloader

Here I’d like to write something about the new project I am developing. It’s called MusicDL, and its purpose is simple: it should allow searching, playing and downloading music from different websites. I consider it’s heavily inspired by Chris Norman’s project, GMP3. Being honest,I just was taking a little course about web scraping in Python and wanted to apply something of what I have learnt in a simple thing.

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